This Urban Dare Champions race will be held on January 12 in Miami Beach's South Beach section.
I will try to get us a good rate on hotel rooms when I will be in the area setting up our race in the Coconut Grove area on Dec 8. In the meantime you can start looking for deals on flights.
Everyone is eligible to enter the race. The first place teams from 2007 races receive free entry. Second place teams pay $10. Third place teams pay $20. Fourth place teams pay $30 and fifth place teams pay $40. If you were a top 5 finisher, please email me at kkeefe@urbandare.com to register.
All other teams will pay the standard $90 dollar fee to participate and can register online.
It's been a great year so far, and I believe we are fastest growing race series in the US. I expect to continue this growth and to continue to make improvements for some time to come.
See you in South Beach, if you dare!