Thank you to everyone who made Urban Dare DC 2007 a great success. It was our biggest race ever.
Congratulations to the Jolly Rogers, 2006 National Champions and 2006 DC Champions, for winning the 2007 Urban Dare DC in impressive fashion. Interestingly enough, they were the first team at only one checkpoint. Yes, you guessed it, the final one. Good navigation skills and figuring out what order to visit checkpoints makes a difference. Of course, Ty and Erik do a pretty good job running from point A to point B.
And major kudos to Jane Argentsinger and Emily Appleman for taking second place. I confess that one of the best parts of directing Urban Dare races is meeting beautiful, strong, fit, intelligent women. Sorry, Jolly Rogers, I'm going with the picture of myself with the top female team in the race. I know it's selfish and this shouldn't be about me, but I can't resist.
Francoise Galleto wrote a great report of her race experience on her blog at Thank you, Francoise.
One of the favorite dares of the whole race, was the Ode to Our Soldiers Dare. This was a suggested dare, that was sent to us. Keep the good ideas for dares coming. I'd tell you what the dare is, but you may face it in your next Urban Dare.
And we had one problematic dare - the American Meridian, where you had to stand with one foot in the Eastern Hemisphere and one foot in the Western Hemisphere. It turns out there is more than one historic meridian in town. I did not accept the photo given me by Trabue & Jennifer Bland, but it turns out they were right. I am reinstating their time, which makes them fourth place. I'm not bumping anyone, so the DC post will have a top 6.
Here are the top 6 finishers of Urban Dare DC:
2:10:00 Erik Carpenter & Ty Summers - Jolly Rogers
2:45:03 Jane Argentsinger & Emily Appleman
2:46:37 Erol Yayboke & Natalie Nelson - Erik Estrada Fan Club
2:48:52 Trabue Bland & Jennifer Bland
2:50:30 Jon Caley & Daniel White
2:51:00 Mary Allen & Tony Wallace - GW
And a big thank you to I received 40 registrations and over 150 email sign ups in the last 24 hours before the race. Most of these were prompted from an email they sent out on Friday. I love