Thank you to everyone who came out to make Urban Dare Santa Monica a great success.
Pictured above are Urban Dare Champions Richard Ward & Peter Kyriacou of the Throckies, and our 3rd place team of Stephanie Pollok and Hannah Levin. Mindi Hertzog and Scott Howard of the Pirates of Santa Monica took second place honors.
Our new champs took third place last year. They told me they were pissed to come into the finish and see some racers already drinking beer. This time they were the ones hoisting a few as the other racers streamed in.
Here is the clue for which I saw widest variety of photos: "This is where someone with a foot fetish, who has lived a very good life, goes when they die." There were a few pictures of shoe stores, a picture of a cemetery, and one team saw on a blog that someone said the Santa Monica steps were heaven for someone with a foot fetish. Most racers came back with a photo of Toe Heaven, conveniently located a block and a half from the finish.
Here are the top 5 finishers of Urban Dare Santa Monica:
1:46:10 AM - Richard Ward & Peter Kyriacou - Throckies
2:15:55 AM - Mindi Hertzog & Scott Howard - The Pirates of Santa Marina
2:24:19 AM - Stephanie Pollok & Hannah Levin - 2Legit2Quit
2:26:39 AM - Myles Nye & Price Peterson - Weak Nights
2:28:35 AM - Rich Hebert & Joel Hebert