As we were getting ready to start Urban Dare New York, my brother Christopher looked over the entrants. He pointed to Harvey Fine & Wilson Wang of the Orient Express (pictured here), said that they looked the hungriest, and his money was on them. After the start, Orient Express spent some time looking over their clue sheets and started moving north. Knowing that there were no checkpoints in that direction, we figured he may have picked the wrong team.
David & Laura Brienza, the Idols of Youth, were the first team in at the finish and the first to complete the final challenge. The Orient Express came in shortly after them and finished their challenge a few minutes later. In checking their pictures, they got their picture with the plaque at City Hall Park that gave them a five minute bonus. With this bonus, the Orient Express moved into first place. Congratulations!
Two Blind Mice were also in at the finish beginning their final dare before a winner was determined. Close behind were the Dulce Daddies and Stratton Baby.
Thank you to everyone who helped make the day a success.
Here are the top five finishers:
1:53:46 - Harvey Fine & Wilson Wang - The Orient Express
1:55:09 - David & Laura Brienza - Idols of Youth
1:59:49 - Stephen Anania & Dawn Schaal - Two Blind Mice
2:02:58 - Joseph Pinto & Tony Osborn - Dulce Daddies
2:04:05 - Marcus Huang & Renee Hui - Stratton Baby
The next Urban Dare NY will start in Central Park on May 10. I'm looking forward to exploring some new neighborhoods.