Greetings from Chicago, where I am preparing for the next Urban Dare to be run on June 9. After doing races four weekends in a row, I have to admit to being a little fatigued. I might even take a few days off next week.
The great feedback I'm getting from racers and a recent spate of good press clips make all this hard work worthwhile. Here are a few articles which will give you some insights into Urban Dare:
Surviving Urban Dare - April 28, 2007 - The Phoenix
Wacky Race - Patriot Ledger
Urban Scavenger Hunt Calls for Speed, Skill and Gadget Know-how - Wired
Test Your Know-How - If You Dare! - Washington Post
Thing 27 - Urban Dare DC - DC365
Don't worry, I'll still have some surprises in store for you.
See you at the races.