Thank you to everyone who participated in Urban Dare Sacramento.
Congratulations to Matt Sheehy & Ken Mejica of White Rice! They successfully defended their title of Urban Dare Sacramento Champions.
Second place went to Todd Moore & Doug Shinoda, and Barbara Oleachea & Roxie Anderson took third place honors.
I learned a long time ago that some clues have more than one correct answer. That was the case with this clue:
This establishment, that specializes in a green form of transportation, has a rhyming name. Get your picture in front of it.
The place I had in mind was Mike's Bikes, which is the picture most people came back with. A couple teams came back with Fleet Feet, and another couple teams came back with Bicycles and Tricycles. All of these were correct.
Here are the top 5 finishers of Urban Dare Sacramento.
1:11:51 - Matt Sheehy & Ken Mejica - White Rice!
1:33:52 - Todd Moore & Doug Shinoda - Dropping Sac
1:34:27 - Barbara Oleachea & Roxie Anderson - Auntinators
1:42:42 - Richard Julian & Catlyn Legault - Team Metropolis
1:46:46 - Ben Deland & Scott Himmelberger - Team Davis Hardcore