The Jolly Rogers, Erik Carpenter and Tyrone Summers, won the opening race of the Urban Dare 2006 season today in Washington, DC. They finished the course in 2:29:42, 17 minutes ahead of second place finishers Mark Hecker and Zack Moore.
This week I will be booking Erik and Tyrone with a couple airline tickets for the Champions race on December 9. They will find out where they are going when they show up at the airport on December 8.
What I thought was going to be one of the easiest clues turned out to be one of the toughest to solve. Of course when I write them, I already know the answer.
The Clue read, "He didn’t give’em hell. He gave them the truth. I get chills thinking of the dare in store for you at his place." Answer is Harry's Bar at 11th and E Streets
The other one people had a hard time with was, "This place is the DC shadow rep’s favorite place. Take two at this dare." Answer is the 51st State on Pennsylvania and 24th Streets.
I'll post results tomorrow.